Wednesday, June the 11th, a very appreciateve congregration witnessed the beautiful marriage ceremony of the Catholic church that constituted Mr. Jas. Sonka of Sherman and Miss Julie Schmid of Marlin,man and wife at 9:30, the bridal procession ushered in by Mr. Theo Pertele and Mr. John Schmid, marched to the chancel to the accompaniment of Mendelssohn's wedding march splendidly rendered by Mrs. J W Harter. Miss Marie Baumann with her usual ease and grace attended as maid of honor. The bridesmaids gowned in dainty white were Misses Henrietta Czirr, Bertha Scheiblich, Marie Rickelman, and Annie Polster.

The Messrs. Ferdinand Schmid, Herman Rickelman, John Pluto, Fred Garder and Herman Wiebush, faultlessly arrayed, figured as groomsmen.

The bride, attired in silk with chiffon and trimmings, presented a charming appearance. Little Theo and Herbert Portele, so neatly dressed and sweetfaced that they seemed angels, carried the wedding ring on a pretty silver plate. The altar was tastefully decorated with palms and flowers. At the conclusion of the nuptial mass during whichthe choir, led by Mrs. J W Harter, rendered the deep and soul inspiring music of the catholic church, the pastor spoke on the sancity of the marriage contract. Father Glissner of Hearne assisted and added dignity to the occasion. At 1 P. M. dinner was served at the of the Portele Bros. to about 70 guests. Noon and evening were spent in the most sociable manner and style, music and other amusements helping to gladden the guest. Mesdames John and Theo Portele were the charming hostess of the occasion, nor never were guests treated with truer kindness and greater zeal. Among the distinguished guest we must note Dr. W T McKnight whose felicitous toast to the welfare of the bridal pair was happily responded to by Father Schorer whose expressions that the heats of the Porteles were much larger than their houses, was applausively agreed to by all present.

Mr. and Mrs. Moore of cultured Boston, Mass. graced the occion by their presence.

The Marlin Democrat, Marlin Texas, June 19, 1902